Dame Kelly Holmes X Tallisker Brand Campaign
Case Study

The Brief

Talisker were interested in launching a campaign to promote their commitment to ocean conservation, in partnership with Parley for the Oceans. Titled "Tri for the Sea", this campaign centred on three celebrity athletes racing in a relay triathlon from Firth of Forth to Cramond Island, aiming to reach the island before it is cut off by the tide. This thrilling challenge was created to promote the importance of protecting oceans, drawing global attention to ocean conservation efforts via world-class celebrity athlete promotion. 

Talisker Official Logo Blue
Talisker Whisky Official Logo
Dame Kelly Holmes Official Celebrity Brand Ambassador
Dame Kelly Holmes Official Celebrity Brand Ambassador

The Delivery

Champions Celebrity successfully secured Dame Kelly Holmes for the "Tri for the Sea" campaign. The triathlon featured the all-star lineup of Kelly, Sir Chris Hoy and Ross Edgley - Kelly running, Chris cycling and Ross swimming. Raising awareness of Talisker's ocean conservation initiatives with Parley for the Oceans, the thrilling relay triathlon captured stunning visuals of the celebrity athletes in action. The footage of the triathlon was then shared on social media by the celebrities, with Kelly sharing multiple posts to her Instagram account promoting the campaign.

Kelly also announced that Talisker pledged £1 to Parley for the Oceans for every bottle purchased in Tesco, up to the value of £40,000, encouraging customers to support ocean conservation while enjoying the iconic whisky.

The Outcome

The Tri for the Sea campaign for Talisker proved a resounding success, driven by Dame Kelly Holmes’ engaging social media presence. Sharing captivating images and videos from the triathlon on her personal Instagram account, Dame Kelly reached her 129,000 followers, generating significant buzz and awareness. The posts garnered a combined total of 3,100 likes, amplifying the campaign’s message of ocean conservation. By leveraging the star power of Dame Kelly and her fellow athletes, Talisker successfully connected its conservation initiatives with a broad audience, reinforcing its commitment to preserving the oceans while inspiring action through the campaign’s impactful storytelling.

Kelly, Chris & Ross Celebrity Ambassadors for Talisker
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